BASLP - child struggles with listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or problem-solving

An outlook on Specific Learning Disability

Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP) is an undergraduate degree program in India that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing speech, hearing, and communication disorders. 

If your child struggles with listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or problem-solving (math), take note of the issues you see. These can be the signs of a Specific Learning Disability (SLD).

Your child might be weak in some specific subject areas like reading, writing, or Maths.

This can be the result of SLD, whereby a student has significant difficulty in one academic area while coping well, or even excelling, in other areas of academic, sports, or artistic fields.

A specific learning disability is a disorder that interferes with a student’s ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Students with a specific learning disability may struggle with Reading (Dyslexia) Writing (Dysgraphia) Math (Dyscalculia) or Coordination- (Dyspraxia) and many other learning disorders. 

If not recognized and managed, can cause problems throughout a person’s life. These problems include an increased risk of greater psychological distress, poorer mental health, dropping out of school, and unemployment.

There is around 13 to 14 percent of all school children suffer from special learning disorders In India. 


  • Difficulty reading
  • Difficulty understanding the meaning of what is read
  • Difficulty with spelling
  • Difficulty understanding number concepts & calculation
  • Difficulty with mathematical reasoning

It is not certain why and how SLD is caused, but the reasons could be hereditary, complications during pregnancy, consumption of alcohol, smoking during pregnancy, or some severe accident or injury. 

Somebody facing learning in their life

The sooner your child’s learning issue is identified, the sooner you can arrange for the proper interventions. 

Though it is believed there is no cure for learning disorders but early intervention can reduce the effect and can develop ways to cope with these disabilities.

Students pursuing BASLP are trained to work with people of all ages, from infants to the elderly, and help them communicate effectively.

 As a parent, you should be cautious about treatments that are promoted as a cure for learning disabilities. Many medical interventions are unproven, ineffective, and extremely costly with no independent research. 

The Model Centre of Children with Special Needs (MCCWSN) is a response of Margdarsi to find solutions for Childhood disorders that cause disability. 

Our experts help build on the child’s strengths and find ways to compensate for the child’s weaknesses.

 Our interventions vary depending on the nature and extent of the disability. 

Margdarsi provides the least restrictive environment for a child to appropriate results. 

This means the teaching environment meets a child’s needs and skills while minimizing restrictions to typical learning experiences. 

There are several colleges in India that offer BASLP programs. These colleges provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical training through internships and clinical sessions. 

Some of the top BASLP colleges in India include Institute of Health Sciences (IHS), All India Institute of Speech and Hearing in Mysore, Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities in Mumbai, and Manipal Academy of Higher Education in Karnataka.

Child struggling with dyslexia

Overall, pursuing a BASLP degree from a reputed college in India can lead to a promising career as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist, helping individuals with communication and hearing disorders lead fulfilling lives.

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MCCWSN provides varieties of rehabilitation therapies to reduce the SLD effects. 

These include 

1. Occupational Therapy

  • This helps children suffering from Dysgraphia (those who have trouble using their hands) and also with sensory processing issues. 
  • Our occupational therapists work with the children to practice a physical skill that makes them move confidently & creatively. 

2. Educational Therapy

  • Our educational therapists are more than just tutors. The teaching modules are built to work with & around the child’s learning issues. 

3. Speech Therapy

  • Helps children with dyspraxia (Language-based issues). Our speech therapists work closely with children who have difficulties communicating and understanding what they hear. 

4. Our Social Skill Group

  • We help children with behavioral issues & teach them how to start a conversation and  control their emotions. 

5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • It is a very effective way of coping with the effects of anxiety & depression in children who are very impulsive. 
  • The overall treatment by our well-qualified professionals is primarily focused on eliminating the results and signs of Learning Disorders. 
  • As a parent, you know your child best, and it’s up to you to get the evaluation process in motion. Early the intervention, the better the results.

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