
In collaboration with Govt. of Odisha, dept. of SSEPD Mardarsi is providing therapeutic and rehabilitative services under the programe “Rehabilitation of physically and mentally challenged socially disadvantaged persons with intellectually disabilities.” A Govt. initiative rehabilitation programe for the children with Intellectual disabilities.
SCHOOL FOR AUTISM - In support with Govt. of Odisha dept. of SSEPD, Margdarsi is running one special School i.e. School for Autism.
Physiotherapy Clinic for Senior Citizens
To provide geriatric people with proper care with a innovative approach which comprises mainly of physiotherapeutic intervention and other adjunctive therapy for a better prognosis of their condition, I H S started “Physiotherapy clinic for senior citizens” in collaboration with Govt. of Odisha, dept. of SSEPD and the district office Khurda.
- KSHYAMATA EXPRESS: IHS in collaboration with SSEPD Department of Odisha launched the Kshyamata Express mobile rehabilitation unit. Comprehensive rehabilitation services starting from awareness generation/education to assessment of special needs & professional consultation/guidance services including referral and networking with Govt. agencies for catering to the diagnosed needs