Our Sister Institutions

Aditi Integrated School

ADITI works towards helping thesocio-economically disadvantaged girl children to gain education with dignity.

Model Centre For Children With Special Needs

It works towards providing professional services to children affected by the birth defects, Developmental disorders, intellectual disability and multiple disabilities.

School For Autism

The School for Autism is the first of its kind in Odisha and continues to be best place in India for Children affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. It is manned by qualified professionals having long experience in dealing with Autism.

Mental Health

Mental health problems affect a lot of people. Emotional problems, personality disorders, Cognitive issues are increasing. Lifestyle disorders need to be addressed with behaviour modification. Brain Fitness center provides multi modal therapy for restoration of mental health.

Integrated Rehabilitation Centre

The centre is a dedicated facility for patients with head injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral stroke, chronic neurological degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, LS etc.