Code of Conduct For Student

To foster a positive academic environment, the Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) has established a code of conduct for its students. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that contributes to a positive atmosphere where respect, diversity, integrity, opportunity, and inclusiveness are valued.



Adherence to rule

The Student Code of Conduct applies to all students. All students must adhere to the code of conduct, policies, rules, and regulations implemented by the institution. Violations may result in warnings, undertaking notes, or termination from the institution.

Visitor Restrictions

Visitors, guests, or parents will not be allowed to meet students during class hours except in case of emergencies. In such cases, parents should obtain permission from the Head of the institution.

Prohibited Activities

Ragging and smoking are strictly prohibited on campus. Any violation will result in suspension from the institution.

Disturbance Avoidance

Every student shall conduct themselves in a manner that does not disturb the work of classes or fellow students.

Academic Commitment

> Students should take internal examinations and other assessments seriously. Those who fail to attend or show poor progress will be counseled through mentors, and their permission to appear in internal/model exams may depend on their attendance during preceding working days.

Property Care

> Every student shall handle institutional instruments with utmost care. Legal action, such as compensation and fines, will be taken for damage to any institutional property.

Campus Maintenance

Writing on walls, furniture, and classroom boards is strictly prohibited. During class hours, students are forbidden from going to the canteen or common room. Violations may result in serious disciplinary action.

Furniture Handling

Furniture should not be moved from any hall without the knowledge of the concerned Authority.

Waste Disposal

> Students are directed to discard waste in dustbins placed in toilets, classrooms, and the canteen and are encouraged to cooperate with the administration in keeping the university campus clean and tidy.

Half Day Leave

Students who wish to leave the campus during regular academic hours must obtain permission from the Head of the Department.

Dress Code

Students should come to class in formal attire and shoes. They should refrain from wearing jeans pants, T-shirts, shirts with printed sceneries or writing on the back, or any other fancy dress. Students violating the dress code may be sent out of the class by the concerned teacher.

Activity Participation

Before participating in any curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular activities, students should submit the ON DUTY form, duly signed by the concerned staff-in-charge, to the HOD.


Students should not be late to the department. Latecomers should meet the concerned HOD before going to the classroom.

Leave Approval

Students should not take leave without a leave application. They should obtain prior approval from the concerned HOD.

Respect for Staff

Students should obey and respect all staff members of the department.

Academic Support

Students should cooperate with faculty members to conduct doubt clearing classes for slow learners.

Identity Card

Students are advised to keep their identity cards with them at all times.

Canteen Usage

Students are advised to take their lunch in the canteen only.

Social Conduct

Long conversations with the opposite gender on campus and during educational tours should be avoided.

Substance Abuse

If any student uses, possesses, or distributes illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco on the academic premises, they will be severely punished for violating the code of conduct.

Institutional Reputation

It is mandatory for all students to uphold the name and fame of the institution.

Disciplinary Action

The Principal/Administrative officer of the institution reserves the power to fine, suspend, or even expel a student from the department in the interest of the institution under disciplinary action.

Noise Prohibition

Students are not allowed to shout, hoot, or whistle during annual functions like the foundation day, sports day, or during inter-collegiate competitions and guest lectures.


Every student is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the Institution and maintain strict discipline.

Governing Body

The Governing Body of the Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and accountability in its governance. This code of conduct outlines the expected behavior and responsibilities of Governing Body members.


Core Principles

Specific Responsibilities

Commitment to the Institute

Members shall act in the best interests of the Institute and its stakeholders, prioritizing the mission and vision of IHS.

Integrity and Honesty

Members shall conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, and transparency in all interactions related to the Institute.

Conflict of Interest

Members must disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest and avoid actions that may compromise the Institute's interests.


Members shall maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information related to the Institute's operations.

Objectivity and Impartiality

> Members shall make decisions based on merit, evidence, and the best interests of the Institute, avoiding personal biases or preferences.


Members shall be accountable for their decisions and actions, and be willing to justify them to the public and other stakeholders.

Diligence and Responsibility

Members shall attend meetings regularly and actively participate in the decision-making process.


Members shall treat colleagues, staff, and stakeholders with respect and dignity.

Guide the Autonomous Institute

While fulfilling the objectives for which the Institute has been granted autonomous status.

Establish Academic Rewards

Establish scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes, and certificates on the recommendations of the Academic Council.

Approve New Programs

Approve new programs of study leading to degrees and/or diplomas.

Ensure Faculty Recruitment

Ensure the recruitments of Teaching Faculty/Principal by the Governing Body/state government as applicable in accordance with the policies laid down by the UGC and State Government from time to time.

Approve Annual Budget

Approve the annual budget of the Autonomous Institute.

Perform Other Functions

Perform such other functions and establish committees as may be necessary and deemed fit for the proper development of the Autonomous Institute.


The faculty members of the Institute of Health Sciences are instructed to maintain the highest standards of ethics, discipline, and integrity in the academic premises. The behavior and conduct of a teacher are always significant for the institution. All faculty members are advised to adhere to the norms, instructions, rules, and regulations implemented by the Institute. Violation of the code of conduct may have serious consequences for their career.


Responsibilities and Accountability

General Rules

Subject Mastery

Each staff member should carefully handle their assigned subjects.

Syllabus Completion

Teachers should complete the syllabus well before the examination.

Student Performance

Teachers will be accountable for the performance of their students in their respective subjects.

Student Monitoring

Teachers should monitor the respective groups of students attached to them.

Internal Assessment

Teachers are responsible for conducting the internal examination and evaluating student marks.

Student Support

Teachers should help, guide, and encourage students to hone their skills.

Positive Atmosphere

Teachers should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom to foster a positive atmosphere in the institution premises.

Institutional Activities

Teachers should handle the academic, co-curricular, and organizational activities of the institution with utmost care.

Punctuality and Attendance

Timely Reporting

Teachers must report to duty on time.

Leave Approval

Prior written permission should be obtained for reporting late or leaving early.

Biometric Attendance

Teachers should use the biometric system to record their presence on campus.

Early Arrival

Teachers are expected to be present on campus at least 10 minutes before the beginning time.

Stay Until End

Teachers should remain on campus until the end of the academic session.


Leave Application

Staff members are advised to submit leave applications at least two days in advance for casual leave (CL).

Casual Leave

A maximum of 12 casual leaves can be availed in a calendar year.

Medical Leave

Medical leave will be allowed upon production of a medical certificate.

Study Leave

Study leave for higher studies will be granted only by the Director of IHS.

Professional Development

Faculty members should attend Faculty Development Programs, Quality Improvement Programs, and seminars to enhance their credibility.

Unauthorized Absence

Absence from duty for reasons other than those mentioned above will be treated as a violation of conduct, and management may take disciplinary action, including monetary compensation or termination.

Duty Fulfillment

No teacher should deliberately neglect their duties.

Faculty Associations

Faculty Associations should not be formed.

Political Affiliation

No Teacher should have political affiliation.

Dress Code

Teaching staff should attend the institute in neat attire and wearing shoes. The dress code should be followed as the occasion demands.

Strikes and Demonstrations

No teacher should participate in any strikes or demonstrations either inside or outside the campus.

Identity Badges

All faculty members must always wear their identity badges while inside the college premises.

Malpractice Prevention

No faculty member shall encourage any form of malpractice during semester or internal examinations.

Research Encouragement

Teaching staff are encouraged to conduct research on their topics of interest. IHS will provide necessary infrastructure for the same.

Institutional Events

All staff members of IHS are expected to attend academic meetings, seminars, and functions such as Sports Day, College Annual Day, Independence Day, and Republic Day.

Extra Classes

Teachers are expected to take up extra classes for Diploma and other Certificate Courses.

Financial Transactions

No staff member shall engage in any monetary transactions with any student or parent without the knowledge of the accounts department of the institution.

Departmental Property

The HOD is responsible for all institutional properties belonging to their department. They are responsible for keeping these properties in working order. Any loss or damage should be immediately reported to the administrative department.

Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

Working Hours

The working hours for non-teaching staff are 9 AM to 6 PM. They should report to duty at least 30 minutes earlier (8:30 AM).

Identity Card

Non-Teaching staff must always wear their identity card inside the campus premises.

Property Damage

Any loss or damage to any instrument in the Laboratory or Classroom should be immediately reported to the administrative officer of IHS.

Stock Register

Non-Teaching Staff shall maintain a stock register for all computers and instruments. This register shall be submitted to the Administrative department at the end of each semester.

Student Damages

For articles damaged by students, a separate register should be maintained. If any money is collected from the student towards damages, as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the College Accounts Staff for deposit in the College account.

Duty Fulfillment

Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.