Objectives of the Practice
Children with Developmental disorder need uninterrupted therapy intervention. Due to Covid – 19 and disruption in the therapy services their condition regressed. So after taking permission from the Govt. and following all the covid guidelines of Govt., we again started our therapy services by boosting their immunity through medicinal herbal supplements which as well maintained the wellness of the children with Developmental disorders. Therefore we have started this Herbal Therapy Park in small scale in our campus.

The Context
COVID-19 pandemic affected lives of Persons with disability in a greater way in terms of therapeutic service delivery, regular biomedical intervention, their care and support systems, nutrition, livelihoods, social participation, mental health and access to health and education services was due to the restrictions and social distancing ovid-19. Many children got affected by this deadly virus. Regression in condition of the patients due to long gap in therapeutic service delivery. Therapeutic intervention became almost nil as children were unable to come to the therapy center and a drastic fall of their immunity power was noted. Psychological Distress was seen among Parents and kids with various types of disabilities, To overcome this, we introduced a diet combined with medicinal plants with immunomodulatory quality with antiviral and anti-inflammatory component prepared and given to the children which made a remarkable boosting of the children with Intellectual disabilities.
The Practice
Many children got affected and lost their immunity .Recovery rate from postcorona effects was good but the patients also had to follow some necessary tips and remedies even after testing negative with coronavirus. The damage caused by coronavirus on body organs takes time to heal completely. Some major body organs such as the heart, lungs and the brain are harmed badly by the deadly coronavirus. So even after recovered from corona, a special care of the body was necessary to be done to restore the health of complete body organs. Medicinal plants have great potential for use as alternative medicines for immunity boosting. They have the characteristics of antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immuno modulatory. Surplus products are used for the staff of the institution.
Evidence of success
A diet combined with medicinal plants with immuno modulatory, antiviral and antinflammatory component made a remarkable boosting of the children. Children with Intellectual disability,their parents and the staff of Margdarsi were very much benefitted. The uniqueness of the program has helped many children the improve- ment of much of the functional skills at normal or near normal level. These type of remedial measures are cheap and can be kept in home for ready to use. There is no reported side effects in these type of organic material. These type of measures are eco- friendly and environmental friendly and a booster in wellness of the children with disability.
Community Awareness through Digital Media
Prof SatyaMahapatra, founder, Margdarsi conducting virtual awareness programme on different types of disabilities and their rehabilitation in every Saturday evening through his speech as Satya Speaks. As Covid – 19 pandemic was prevalent and everyone is restricted to move outside which also hamper the rehabilitation of children at home, consequently regression of their condition. On realizing the problems faced by the parents of disability children, Prof SatyaMahapatra started his rehabilitation, awareness and guidance through virtual platform.